TextBot ai Review: Artificial Intelligence Texting

Marketing Platforms

The product is a SMS Marketing System that is designed to advertise online business opportunities. However, the program is designed solely for affiliate resale of the Textbot AI program by default. It requires upgrades to be customized.

What is TextBot ai?

TextBot AI is a system for SMS marketing that lets you send customers automated text messages. TextBot AI can be used to send out appointment reminders, promotional offers, or even general company information. TextBot AI is an excellent tool for communicating with customers and keeping them informed about your company’s activities. We will discuss more about TextBot AI in this TextBot.ai review.

TextBot AI

TextBot AI’s most important features include:

Text messages sent automatically

Businesses can send automated text messages to their customers with TextBot AI. Sending reminders, updates, or special offers can all benefit from this.

Customizable text messaging

Customers can also receive individualized text messages from businesses thanks to TextBot AI. This can be used for personalized messages, appointment reminders, and follow-ups.

Predictable responses

The capacity to program automatic responses to questions from customers is yet another excellent feature of TextBot AI. You will be able to guarantee that your clients will always receive prompt and accurate responses.

In general, TextBot AI is an effective SMS marketing system that can be a useful tool for businesses of any size. TextBot AI is something to think about if you want to streamline customer communications and automate text messaging.

TextBot.ai Pricing Review

In this TextBot.ai reviews we will discuss pricing of TextBot. It is very affordable to join TextBot.ai. $100 is a one-time fee for setting up.

However, for AVA to use your new phone number to communicate with your leads, you will need to add usage credits to your account via a one-time purchase or a monthly plan:

TextBot usage pricing for everyone

$ The Tire Kicker Plan for Low Use: $10,000 (1,000 credits; monthly: double credits of 2,000) $ The Builder Plan: $25, or 2,500 points; monthly: The Boss Plan (High Usage): double credits of $5,000 5,000 credits; $50 monthly: As you can see, the advantages of a monthly plan outweigh the disadvantages. Your usage balance is reduced by one cent (- $0.01) each time AVA sends a text message on your behalf to anyone in the world.

The initial cost of the phone number is $1, and each month, $1 is taken from your credit balance to keep the number. Additionally, if you sign up for a monthly plan, you are free to cancel at any time.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TextBot AI

TextBot AI is a brand-new SMS marketing platform that claims to make it simple for businesses to send mass text messages. We examine the benefits and drawbacks of this new service in this section.


  1. Efficacy of Use: Even for people who aren’t used to SMS marketing, TextBot AI is simple to use.
  2. Affordable: When compared to other SMS marketing services, TextBot AI is very inexpensive.
  3. A separate phone number is not required: You can send text messages with TextBot AI using your existing phone number. If you already have a dedicated phone number for your business, this is a significant advantage.
  4. Messaging in bulk: TextBot man-made intelligence makes it simple to send mass instant messages, which is fundamental for any organization hoping to contact a huge crowd with their SMS promoting efforts.


  1. Specific limitations: TextBot simulated intelligence just offers essential elements right now, so more modern clients might be disheartened. However, the business has stated that additional features will be added in the future.
  2. Currently in beta: Since TextBot AI is still in beta, it may still have some issues that need to be fixed before it can be used by everyone.

You may have come across TextBot AI while looking for a new SMS marketing system. We’ll take a close look at the system’s features and benefits in this TextBot AI review to help you figure out if it’s right for your business.

TextBot AI is a system for SMS marketing that lets businesses send customers automated text messages. Businesses can use TextBot AI to send mass texts, and personal texts, and even set up automated responses to customer questions.

How do companies perceive TextBot Ai?

To promote their goods or services, many businesses realize they need a texting service. Reaching out to customers and developing a company’s brand depends on this. At the point when a business needs to successfully showcase its association, it won’t forego this cycle. Marketing via text messages gives businesses the tools they need to succeed. Customers will be able to get in touch with this system, which will help them improve their marketing strategy and position them for a larger share of profits. Organizations need this framework to stay suitable and cutthroat.

Is the TextBot AI Legit Or Scam?

Reviewers of TextBot ai would have you believe that the platform is legitimate, but it might not be everything it claims to be. The fact that there aren’t many reviews from businesses about how useful this system is is hard to accept. The majority of people who comment on it are attempting to sign up other people for this service.

This indicates that TextBot AI is a reputable platform. However, rather than assisting a company with its marketing strategies, it might be meant to sign up people. The bottom line is that a company will need to carefully consider how useful or important this service is to them.

Keep in mind that to make money from customers, a company needs to offer something. TextBot computer-based intelligence expresses their administrations are for endeavors to further develop their showcasing administrations. Once more, they have no genuine organizations addressing them in audits. That does not exist. That is a big warning sign. No one is implying that the company is ineffective; rather, it may not be everything a business would anticipate. On the internet, there are no negative business rating reviews for the business. Additionally, they have not been mentioned in the media for being a dishonest business.

Text Bot AI Reviews – Final Words

TextBot ai is not a rip-off. That can be stated definitively. Nevertheless, it is somewhat misleading. The company does offer SMS services to businesses, but they might not be everything they need. Additionally, this business relies more on individual testimonials than on legitimate organizations to verify their operations.

Although TextBot ai can provide SMS services, not many businesses use it. The company probably realized that individual affiliates, not businesses, are the best candidates for their referral program. As a result, even though they provide SMS text messaging services to businesses, they only want to concentrate on people who recommend them to help grow their business. In the end, TextBot ai’s primary service for account holders is this one.